Next Saturday 15th August 69 Colebrooke Row invite you to their very own “Ferragosto”
Ferrogosto is an Italian holiday celebrated on August 15th. Originally, it was a celebration of the middle of the summer and the end of the hard labour in the fields.
We will be opening our doors, and windows at 2pm and inviting everyone to come down and join the celebration of food and drink in the typical Italian style.
Places are limited, tickets are £25 per person for food and Americaninos from 2pm.
Kids under 6 are free and older kids are £10 for food and kid punch.
{ We would ask you to kindly take the kids home for 7pm }
We will be opening up for general drinks and snacks from 7pm.
There will be Prizes for best dressed Male/Female in 1950’s Italian “La Dolce Vita” attire...
There will be more surprises on the day so get in touch to book your place!
We look forward to seeing you soon...
Tony, Camille and Kim
The team at 69 Colebrooke Row